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EDF Renewable Energy orders 50 V110-2.0 MW turbines, 31 MW of 2.0 MW compatible turbine components

Release Time£º05 Jan,2017

The order includes 50 V110-2.0 MW turbines for an undisclosed project and an additional 31 MW of 2.0 MW compatible turbine components to enable future project pipeline. The order includes supply and commissioning of the wind turbines. Nacelles, blades, and towers will be produced at Vestas¡¯ Colorado factories. The order includes supply and commissioning of the wind turbines. Nacelles, blades, and towers will be produced at Vestas¡¯ Colorado factories. ¡°The wind energy market remains strong in the U.S. This order will enable hundreds of megawatts of projects in the next four years that will generate hundreds of millions of dollars in economic benefits to the rural communities that host these wind projects. In addition, the order will support long-term jobs in turbine manufacturing, and project construction and operation¡±, said Tristan Grimbert, President and CEO of EDF Renewable Energy. ¡°We are pleased to add to our portfolio with EDF Renewable Energy and we look forward to partnering with them again to deliver more cost-competitive wind energy to rate payers throughout the U.S.¡±, said Chris Brown, President of Vestas¡¯ sales and service division in the United States and Canada. ¡°The U.S. wind industry is playing a major part in the revitalization of the American manufacturing economy and supports over 500 factories in 43 states that employ 21,000 people in the manufacturing of the major wind components and wind-related parts and materials¡±.
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