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Nomination Committee of AB SKF for the Annual General Meeting 2025

Release Time£º11 Sep,2024

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/ueditor/php/upload/image/20240911/1726059307117055.png" title="1726059307117055.png" alt="1.png"/></p><p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">In accordance with the Nomination Committee Charter adopted at the Annual General Meeting of AB SKF, the members, who, together with the Chair of the Board, constitutes the Nomination Committee in preparation of the Annual General Meeting 2025 has been elected. The Nomination Committee consists of: Marcus Wallenberg, FAM Philip Ahlgren, Cevian Capital Anders Algotsson, AFA F?rs?kring Anders Jonsson, Skandia, and Hans Str?berg, Chair of the Board The Annual General Meeting of AB SKF will be held in Gothenburg on Tuesday, 1 April 2025.</span></p>
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